Balance Sheet Research
Many data that are relevant for the assessment of a company’s true level of financial strength are not freely accessible. Our research capacities can help in the procurement of all information that is required for an in-depth analysis.
The value of a balance sheet analysis depends on the information that has been provided by the company in question. Research is frequently based on publicly available resources such as the eBundesanzeiger (the electronic Federal Gazette) or the corporate websites. Quite often, however, these publicly disclosed annual statements are insufficiently detailed for a proper balance sheet analysis.
We offer contract-specific and customized balance sheet research analyses. All we need is a letter of approval from our client that authorizes us – on his behalf – to procure the required information from third parties such as suppliers. Approaches are made directly by email or phone, which allows us (provided we have been issued a letter of approval) to gain access to previously unpublished balance sheet information with data about assets and liabilities, profit and loss accounts, lists of totals and balances and internal business assessments. Our offer to conduct this type of research is not restricted to the German-speaking countries but applies to companies all over the world.