Characteristics for data analysis
We have exclusive access to comprehensive collections of business data. One of the USPs of the Creditreform database of corporate information is the combination of continuous research, the timeliness of the data and their reliability. Different criteria can be analyzed, depending on the specific focus of the inquiry.
The structural analysis shows the distribution of companies in respect of the target criteria of industry, region, size, profitability or financial strength.
The criterion profitability identifies the average returns that are generated by the companies in the area of analysis. Many inquiries focus on questions about the return on equity, return on investments, return on sales or on individual expense items.
The criterion growth shows how the corporate structures have changed within the period under review. This allows us to identify the changes involving sales revenue, the number of companies, assets or returns within a given area of analysis. In order to assess the overall economic development, we can also calculate a “growth index”.
The criteria of risk & financial strength identify the numbers of corporate defaults and bad debt losses as well as the payment history of companies within a specific area of analysis. Defaults can be defined either in accordance with BASEL II or exclusively through the presence of a hard negative credit event. Default rates, loss-given defaults (LGD) and the number of days the debtor is in arrears are often used to calibrate and validate internal scoring and rating systems and to optimize distribution management operations.
The value of receivables portfolios is a specific type of selection criterion. Customized valuations of receivables are available for corporations and municipal governments, enabling the early recognition of default risks and timely interventions to minimize the number of actual defaults.