Target Group Analyses
Identifying Market Potentials and Market Risks
Target Group Analyses are effective marketing instruments that can identify unused market potentials. The sales analysts in your marketing department will know which indicators point towards affinities with your company’s product range. But before they can follow up any such leads, they often require reliable up-to-date comparative data about their potential new customers.
Target Group Analyses identify and categorize companies that are not yet included in the provider’s own customer portfolio. These analyses use the discernible structures of the existing customer portfolio to identify potential new customers, ensuring that approaches will have disproportionately high rates of success.
Based on Creditreform’s comprehensive database of business information, we use state-of-the-art credit rating methods to establish default probabilities, allocating different default risks to the individual categories and identifying rating-specific market potentials.
The results are then used by an analytic tool that subjects both portfolio customers and potential new customers (whose default risks have already been established) to a comparative survey. A wide range of parameters can be displayed, and potential lists as well as management summaries can be generated based on our clients’ own selection criteria.