Creditreform Rating AG has withdrawn the corporate issuer rating of Atlantia S.p.A. because the monitoring process was discontinued. The rating is set at N.R. (Not Rated)
Creditreform Rating has set the unsolicited corporate issuer rating of Atlantia S.p.A. to BB+ / Watch NEW. The downgrade reflects the ongoing uncertainties with regard to the main concession of Atlantia's subsidiary Autostrade per L'Italia S.p.A. These uncertainties are intensified by the publication of the so called Milleproroghe Decree which, if converted into a law, will make it less costly for the authorities to revoke the main concession of Autostrade per L'Italia S.p.A. We furthermore believe that the increased political pressure might also require Atlantia S.p.A. to make further comprimises in order to retain the right of managing the ASPI-concession which also could have a detrimental effect on the Group´s financial profile.
Creditreform Rating confirmed the unsolicited corporate issuer rating of Atlantia S.p.A. of BBB. The rating supplement Watch NEW is also confirmed. The acquisition of Abertis Infraestructuras S.A. (BBB / Watch UNW) (of which Atlantia holds 50% plus one share) increased the Group´s scope and diversification which has a positive impact on the rating. The rating is dampened by the increase in borrowings to finance the acquisition and following the consolidation of the Abertis group. Additionally, the rating supplement Watch NEW has been confirmed because the exact consequences that follow from the collapse of the Polcevera bridge in Genoa on August 14, 2018 are still not clear. The incident is currently being investigated by the authorities.
Creditreform Rating AG has set the rating of Atlantia, S.p.A. to BBB "negative watch". The collapse on August 14, 2018 of the motorway bridge in Genoa, which is operated by motorway operator Atlantia, S.p.A., could have serious implications on the creditworthiness of the company. For this reason, the corporate rating of Atlantia S.p.A. will be set on "negative watch" until further notice. The impacts of this event on the corporate rating of the company are under review.
Creditreform has adjusted the current unsolicted corporate rating of Atlantia, S.p.A. from BBB with stable outlook to BBB with negative outlook. The main reason behind this decision is the takeover of the share capital of Abertis Infraestructuras, S.A. by HOCHTIEF AG, which has been accepted by the shareholders and the Spanish authorities. The majority of the share capital (50% plus 1 share) will subsequently be taken over by Atlantia, S.p.A., which will most likely have a negative impact on the financials of Atlantia, S.p.A., in particular on debt figures. Despite the expected positive diversification and synergy effects, we anticipate that the rating will be at first negatively impacted by the takeover.
Creditreform Rating has carried out an unsolicited corporate rating of Atlantia, S.p.A.